You Know It's Bad When:
- You catch yourself saying, “It was so warm today…it got up to 20 degrees!”
- You enjoy coming up with a diagnosis for yourself every week in abnormal psychology.
- You have to turn down a president’s day weekend roadtrip to California because you have to accompany the ward choir on Sunday.
- One of the free samples at Costco is apple beer…and they have to reassure you it’s not alcoholic.
- Your mom gives you a “Grow-Your-Own Boyfriend” for Valentine’s Day.
- You look for a preemie so you can write each other during your missions.
- You just want to get out of Utah so bad that you consider the possibility of “escaping” to Idaho.
- You have a life-size paper doll as a roommate.
- “Real food” is also known as pizza.
- You can’t unlock your car because the doors are frozen shut.
- After receiving a red rose in Women’s Chorus the day before Valentine’s Day, you walk out of the building, rose in hand, and say, “I love Women’s Chorus; it makes me feel like I have a man.”