Oh yeah, I have a new niece! My sister-in-law, Megan, had a beautiful baby girl on May 22, named Victoria Eugenia Jackson. So Chris and Megan are parents! She is so cute and tiny!
I have also been keeping myself busy with HOBY! I can't get enough of it! In case any of you don't know, it's a leadership conference for high school sophomores held in every state for one kid from each school in that state. I attended as a sophomore and have stayed really involved with it. I'm now on the corporate board for Utah's site. Anyway, I love it and just try to give back as much as I possibly can. I think high school kids have so much potential that people just give up on too easily. So we had Utah's seminar in early May and it was amazing! Then I got an email from Colorado asking if anybody could please make it out for their seminar because they were short facilitators (adult in charge of a small group of 8-10 kids). I jumped at the chance and it was held last weekend in Denver. It was such a cool experience and I made so many cool friends and memories. One day, we took the kids on a field trip into downtown Denver and got to tour the state capitol building, then we ran into the governor on our way out so he stopped and talked to us for a bit, we did a service project up in the Rocky Mountains; it was just all a really great experience!