Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hair cut??

Ok, I lied, I haven't put my papers in quite yet but I am posting anyway.

So, I really want to cut my hair short again...as I have had it in the past. But at the same time, I really want to grow my hair out and see how long I can get it. I've never really had long hair. Either way, I for sure need to at least trim my bangs up and give my hair a little shape. But still, any suggestions/advice?

This is how long my hair is now...

...and this is my mission picture...

And this is how short I've had my hair in the past...


cari said...

I'd cut your hair short for summer, just like you had it in that cute picture. You'll have a year and a half to grow it out after that if you still want to.

BrittanyB said...

which is easier for you to do? I hear simplicity in that area is best for sister missionaries ;)

Unknown said...

i'd go short. that way you can't wear it in a ponytail everyday! :)

Victoria the Great... said...

You are such a cutie meagan =) I would cut it short! =) I love that shape that you had in the picture. And your mission pic is so 'meagan' =) I love it!!

Turners said...

agreed. I am loving the short haircut. Plus it's just really fun for this time of year--and a little change is always great for us girls :)